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Transparent information: France Télévisions' editorial priority

Published on February 28, 2024

At a time when disinformation campaigns are on the rise and the French are increasingly distrustful of television (54% according to the latest Kantar Public one-point survey for La Croix), France Télévisions is stepping up its transparency campaign and opening up the news production process in an unprecedented way. Our goal: to keep the French informed!

    It's normal to be accountable to the French people. Providing transparent information is a moral obligation. 
    Alexandre Kara, News Director, France Télévisions

    Since 26 January, QR codes have appeared on your screens at the end of all our news programmes on France 2, France 3 and FranceInfo. This QR code links to the Transparency page. Hosted on, the public news website that brings together content from all the France Télévisions and Radio France newsrooms, this page aims to share with you our working methods and the values that our newsrooms defend. 

    In this special area you can have a look at the :

    In the face of technological revolutions and successive crises, and at a time when distrust, information fatigue and disinformation are on the rise, everyone must be able to rely on public service information. More than ever, we must be able to guarantee the high standards of our work through our methods and our values: independence, pluralism, neutrality and usefulness
    Alexandre Kara, Director of News, France Télévisions

    To discover Transparence page, click here 


    Written by Océane Lauro
    Published on February 28, 2024

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