🌳Jour 2 @LesAssises du journalisme de Tours et @francetv qui se mobilise: réalité augmentée, environnement et lutte contre la désinformation… pic.twitter.com/Wa7mjUdpOk
— Méta-Media FranceTV (@metamedia) September 30, 2021
Fighting fake news thanks to a game
First innovation in our test corner, the latest POC from France Télévisions, SwipIntox. SwipIntox, fed by Les Révélateurs de FranceTv (France Télévisions'new visual fact-checking unit), is a game that helps people to sharpen their critical thinking about images and videos available on the internet and social networks in order to limit the virality of fake contents.
The feedback from the people who tested the app during the conference was positive and very relevant for our team! Interactivity is proving to be a powerful lever for learning and understanding the mechanisms behind the images and videos that are flooding social networks - especially among young people.
If you didn't have the chance to go to the conference, you can still test this game and give us your feedback. To do so, here 😊

Seven Grams, the AR journalistic investigation that reveals the behind the scene of our smartphones
Download the ART experience Seven Grams on stores :
Download Seven Grams on the App Store
Download Seven Grams on Google Play
Another innovation that visitors will expriment is Seven Grams, the new StoryLab coproduction directed by Karim Ben Khelifa. With this investigation, the journalist invites the public to discover the links between the manufacture of our telephones and the methods of extraction of these minerals. What makes Seven Grams special ? We don't just watch Karim Ben Khelifa's investigation, we also play it, since it was made in augmented reality. And it is this aspect that particularly intrigued the young audience – which is the main target.
The director's choices in terms of content (AR, animation, mix of information and personal narrative) and the subject of the investigation are very appealing. Thus, the impressions gathered on our corner are in line with the project’s ambition!

While the target audience was very enthusiastic about Seven Grams, the journalistic investigation also won the support of professionals; some teachers expressed the wish to use the application as a teaching aid for modules on technologies.
NOWU, the new digital and european media to fight climate change
NOWU is a website and an Instagram account aimed at young people. NOWU provides young Europeans tools and concrete solutions to help them become actors facing the environmental emergency. The team explained its approach directly to the main target – young people, and validated their interest, both in terms of content and form! This promises good days ahead for the Franco-German media (partnership between France Télévisions and the Westdeutscher Rundfunk Köln WDR).