Since rehearsals began on Wednesday, a team of 8 people have been taking turns on site and at France Télévisions to orchestrate the creation of digital content with the artists: formats, offbeat interviews (L'interview Street Cred' and Le Blind Test Sans Musique) with the participation of Bigflo and Oli, Eddy De Pretto, the BB Brunes, Catherine Ringer, Petit Biscuit and Kyo), acoustic lives, backstage instagram stories, to bring this must-see musical event to the community. This content lives on our different networks (FB, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube and of course

On the evening of the event, the teams covered the evening exhaustively on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube and (live-tweeting, cutting of excerpts, performances, hot interviews).the digital team also set up an event-driven Twitter bot that allows anyone interacting with the @LesVictoires account to know which song they were designed on! 8:45 pm:
L'actu des Victoires de la Musique sur franceinfo