Looking ahead to a desirable future in order to take initiatives
Since November 12 - day of closing of the COP26 - NOWU, a French-German digital media, is launching its campaign to raise awareness among young people about the challenges of climate change. The campaign's main feature is a short film that transports us to the year 2050 where journalists and young influencers spread good news about the environment. This video ends with an invitation to mobilize and move young people to act now, because "if we want to change the future, it is together and now! ».
Moreover, social publications and stories will be launched. Let’s check on NOWU's Instagram account.
Put your money where your mouth is
NOWU is a 100% digital media, interactive and designed as a tool that provides solutions take actions in real life, partly by aiming to limit its own environmental impact. Technical choices were made to respect it as collaboration with Greenspector, measure of the impact, "green it" features such as limiting external scripting, code compression, lightweight technologies, lazy loading, etc. Functional choices were also taken into consideration as image compression, a less energy-intensive black background on the platform, video only on social networks and a "light » mode to reduce the platform's carbon footprint. This green strategy is still applied by NOWU team on a daily basis, particularly in marketing (limiting tracking and data collection, choosing not to develop a newsletter, etc.).

Check on NOWU here to (re)discover it !