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Demain le sport : Let's imagine the future of sport together

Published on September 29, 2022

On September 22, France Televisions was part of #DemainLeSport event at the Maison de la Radio. This event, co-organized by franceinfo, l'Équipe and France Télévision, proposed panel discussions around 6 main themes: environment, ethics and Olympism, inclusion-diversity-mixity, technology innovation and data, health-education-youth.

The journalists and hosts of France Televisions participated widely in this event and franceinfo tv (channel 27) had installed positions of ITW allowing to broadcast in live.

Demos of the immersive space Stade 2 in virtual reality...

In addition to the participation of France Televisions' sports journalists in the various round tables, this day was also an opportunity for the Innovation Department to present to the public present at the Maison de la Radio, the virtual world developed for the French Open tournament. Throughout the day, participants could live an immersive experience in the form of an avatar, in the alleys of Roland-Garros and on the Philippe Chartier court, or even discover the virtual set of Stade 2. The reaction of the audience, mostly young, showed a real interest in these platforms and a real expectation for future formats and content that could be offered in the future in the field of sports, but also cultural or entertainment.

And ITW of personalities in a virtual world created for the occasion

All these athletes and sports stars gathered in one place also allowed us to conduct virtual interview tests. During the day, various athletes and personalities (including Marie-José Pérec, Thomas Coville, Théo Curin, Kevin Mayer and François Hollande) played the game of virtual interviews in order to imagine what the new writing of sports journalism and the associated new immersive formats could be in the future.

For the occasion, France Télévisions recreated the hall of its headquarters in virtual reality. This hall, developed by the teams of the GTR (Real Time Graphics) unit of France Televisions, was entirely reworked and redecorated in the colors of Paris 2024 by the engineers of the Innovation Department. A visit of the hall allowed to discover a virtual exhibition on the Olympic athletes, a map of the Olympic and Paralympic sites as well as a giant video screen on which the promotional film of Paris 2024 was shown.

The visit of the exhibition on Olympism allowed the journalist (Manuel Tissier) to visit this hall and to interview his interlocutors in the form of an avatar within this virtual world. These interviews allowed to understand better what such devices could bring in the future, the appetence of the interviewers and interviewed for these new modes of writing and the infinite technical capacities offered as regards realization. At first sight, we note the almost unanimous reaction of the different interviewees who, for the most part, discovered these immersive worlds and were impressed by the quality of the visual rendering and the -paradoxical- realism of the worlds presented.

A Twitch live to go further...

Finally, a Twitch live hosted by Samuel Etienne brought together various athletes and personalities from the sports world to discuss the major questions about the future of sport and the main themes of this day.

Back on Samuel Étienne live here

Written by Vincent Nalpas, Yves-Marie Poirier, Jean-Paul Chevreux
Published on September 29, 2022

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Final test before launching automatic subtitling of franceinfo

Closed captions are produced everyday for the French public news channel, from 6 to 9 AM and from 9 PM to midnight. In addition, on France TV website and applications, franceinfo will receive automatic subtitling thanks to an Artificial Intelligence during the rest of the day.

We'll keep it, tweak it, or
remake it—you decide!

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