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Biblioquête : reading becomes an immersive and dreamlike quest

Published on November 19, 2021

Recent studies have shown that screen consumption has a negative impact on children's reading time length. What if digital devices could become allies to encourage the youngest to read? This is the approach taken by BiblioQuête, a new augmented reality experience powered by France tv StoryLab.

  • Illustration-Biblioquete

If you haven't done so yet, don't wait any longer and dive into an immersive quest within the literary world by downloading BiblioQuête

Download BiblioQuête on App Store

Download BiblioQuête on Google Play

The immersive experience at the service of the reading education

Immersive experiences are known to stimulate the interest and curiosity of users from a very young age by making abstract notions more concrete through visual representations. Augmented reality devices would also facilitate reading for young dyslexic people. In the context of BiblioQuête, the role of AR will present reading as a real challenge for the players by stimulating their imagination.   

BiblioQuête, written by par Gordon and Jarach, is a collection of augmented reality experience, lasting 30 to 45 minutes. Children from 8 to 12 years old are invited to discover, through a tablet or a smartphone, a treasure hunt at home or in the library. These quests allow them to discover classic and contemporary works through animated sequences that appear in the middle of the books. 

It is important for France Télévisions to position itself as a provider of immersive and innovative children's programmes, particularly in areas as fundamental as reading and the discovery of books.  
Jeanne Marchalot, head of the France tv StoryLab

What better way to transmit the passion of reading than with a writer himself? The great strength of BiblioQuêteis based on an author's contribution, different for each quest, who talks about his/her strongest memories of reading as a child. The first quest retraces the literary imagination of Timothée de Fombelle, the successful author of children's novels.  And for this first trip to the heart of children's literature, Les voyage extraordinaire by Jules Verne de Michel Strogoff, L'homme qui plantait des arbres by Jean Giono, La chèvre de Mr Seguin by Alphonse Daudet and Le comte de Monte-Cristo 1 by Alexandre Dumas will be honoured.


BiblioQuête can be played alone, in pairs or in teams, directly on a tablet. The device will be installed in different libraries as an immersive experience with the different books presented, but also available directly from home. 

The fact that BiblioQuête is accessible on mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, and free for all are in line with our public service mission.
Jeanne Marchalot, head of the France tv StoryLab

Up date 06.06.2023

BiblioQuête, winner of France 2030!  

On June 1st , Rima Abdul Malak, the French Minister for Culture, and Bruno Bonnell, the Secretary General for Investment, in charge of France 2030, brought together the key players in the cultural sector at the Opéra de Paris to provide an update on France 2030 and to set out the prospects for the coming years.   

During the ceremony, BiblioQuête was one of the winners in the "Digitisation of architecture and digital heritage" category. The aim of this category is to support the deployment of cultural innovative offerings that promote heritage through new technologies.   

As someone who is fascinated by trying to find the right new tools to get children to the reading, when they are increasingly used to screens, this is also a pretty inspiring project.
Rima Abdul Malak, Minister of Culture, at the award ceremony on june 1st 2023

 Thanks to this financial support, BiblioQuête can be deployed widely throughout France via several networks of partner media libraries. First on the list of new hosts is the 3M - Montpellier Métropole Méditerranée network, which will soon be followed by another dozen networks, including Paris media library network.   

The fact that BiblioQuête has won the competition means that this original, entertaining and educational work can be distributed on an unprecedented scale throughout the country.
Jeanne Marchalot, head of the France tv StoryLab

To see all the winners and the press release from the Ministry of Culture, click here.  
To watch the ceremony, click here.   

Children's literature still has a bright future to make people dream, learn and be entertained, and this, through more and more immersive devices!   

BiblioQuête is available on the following stores:



Written by Louise Faudeux
Published on November 19, 2021

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