Artificial intelligence at the heart of our reflections and concerns for different audiences
AI, THE hot topic in recent months and already widely explored in the latest Méta-Media trends report, had a special place at the InnoDay. While the various stands at the fair showcased the company's internal experiments and industrialized projects, two conferences were also dedicated to AI on November 14.
The first was introduced by Kati Bremme and Pauline Maury (head of DaIA), during which philosopher Eric Sadin shared his vision of the impact of this technology on our professional and personal lives. The discussion was followed by a panel discussion moderated by Christophe de Vallambras, in which actor Vincent Elbaz, screenwriter Fadette Drouard, musician Benoît Carré, and Chief AI Officer at Onepoint and writer Nicolas Gaudemet shared their experiences and thoughts on the impact of AI in their fields.
Another speech and another audience with the masterclass organised by Lumni, a free educational platform, with Raphael Enthoven, philosopher and writer, our two AI experts Kati Bremme and Pauline Maury and more than 1,5000 students throughout France.
#InnoFranceTV / @lumnifr
— Le Lab France tv (@francetvlab) November 14, 2023
« Génération #IA ? » : Masterclass avec @Enthoven_R et plus de 1500 élèves Académies de Lille, Nantes, Dijon, Rennes, Poitiers, Grenoble, Clermont, Orléans Tours, Toulouse, Martinique…
During this masterclass, led by Christophe de Vallambras, the final-year students were able to talk to the philosopher and the AI experts. How can AI be used? What are its limits? Should we fear it? These are just some of the questions that the students were able to answer to help them form their own opinions and develop their own personal thoughts.
Innovation everywhere at France Télévisions!
Although the exhibition took place on the ground floor of the Maison France Télévisions, the 15 stands present revealed that Innovation is present everywhere at France Télévisions! From programming and technology to staff training and our collaboration with start-ups, schools and incubators thanks to Open Innovation, everyone was able to present their new projects to the public and have them tested.
🚀 #InnoFranceTV | Décors virtuels, contenus immersifs et interactifs, l'innovation est partout à @Francetele.
— France Télévisions (@Francetele) November 14, 2023
On la découvre et l'expérimente : visites de nos stands, démonstrations, rencontre avec des start-ups innovantes spécialisées dans l’IA et l'interactivité... ⤵️
Among them was François Narboux, director of the serie Edmond et Lucy. François talks about the real-time rendering technology used to reduce the series' carbon footprint from 300 kilograms to just 150 grams of CO2. Quite a feat!
Another innovation presented was ultra HD. But what is ultra HD? David Garçia, in charge of developing the Broadcast and Distribution Networks at France Télévisions, gives you some answers:
We also wanted to open up the show to as many people as possible. We were able to do this thanks to France tv & Vous, who welcomed over forty television viewers to help them discover the event and our new sets for the France 2 news programme, C quoi l'info and La Météo Climat.
💡#InnoFranceTV - En présence de @vincentelbaz, 40 de nos fidèles téléspectateurs sont venus expérimenter les innovations @francetele : décors virtuels, contenus immersifs & interactifs, #IA, animation studio en temps réel #Dwarf - en attendant son déploiement pour #Paris2024 🔜
— France TV & Vous (@francetvetvous) November 14, 2023
Innovation through the eyes of our young employees
Such an exceptional day calls for an equally exceptional campaign! All day on 14th, Anne, Sacha and Lyna, work-study students at France Télévisions, were at the controls of our Twitter account to bring the day to life for as many people as possible.
🚀 #InnoFranceTV le salon de l'innovation c'est demain ! Et à cette occasion Lyna, Anne et Sacha, alternants chez @Francetele, seront aux commandes de notre compte !
— Le Lab France tv (@francetvlab) November 13, 2023
Conférence, POC, XR... Rdv dès 10h pour découvrir, à travers leurs yeux, toutes nos innovations !
On the eve of the event, we asked them what they thought about innovation at France Télévisions, and our community managers for the day replied: "For me, innovation at France tv means looking for new ways of communicating in line with emerging technologies", "Improving the means of broadcasting programmes" and "Innovation at France Télévisions offers an opportunity to revolutionise the television and media professions, whether in societal, technological or environmental terms". And they were not disappointed!
Backstage at the show, Lyna, Sacha and Anne explored the new sets, tried out the different VR experiences, learned about AI at the Prompt Party and at the conferences...
Le stand Prompt party présent à #InnoFranceTV vous donne leurs conseils pour écrire un bon prompt 📝👇
— Le Lab France tv (@francetvlab) November 14, 2023
🎥#InnoFranceTV : POV tu présentes le JT de #France2.
— Le Lab France tv (@francetvlab) November 14, 2023
On se sent les nouvelles Anne-Sophie Lapix ! 🙋🏻♀️🙋🏻♀️
Lyna & Anne
"I really liked the Culture Box stand because we were able to find out about other areas and jobs at France Télévisions that we wouldn't have been able to meet outside this event." Anne
🥽 #InnoFranceTV : direction @ftvculturebox !
— Le Lab France tv (@francetvlab) November 14, 2023
Du concert 360 à un musée d’inspiration, entrez dans l’univers du musicien Hervé, gagnant des victoires de la musique en 2021.
Dispo gratuitement sur les stores #Quest avec l’application Culture Box ! 😁
"My favourite part of the day was definitely the Empereur VR Stand." Sacha.
The original work, which was co-produced by France tv StoryLab and won an award at the 80th Venice Film Festival, struck a chord with many visitors.
Innovation Day @FranceTV avec Empereur à l’honneur du @francetvlab 🙏🏻
— Oriane Hurard (@Orianehurard) November 14, 2023
"It was a very rewarding day, giving me a foretaste of the jobs and tools of tomorrow. It was also an opportunity to learn about other areas of television and the media, such as subtitling, for example." Lyna
#InnoFranceTV c’est terminé !
— Le Lab France tv (@francetvlab) November 14, 2023
Une journée enrichissante que nous avons pris plaisir à partager avec vous ! 💫
A très vite ! 😉
Lyna, Anne & Sacha 😊
InnoDay was a rich and successful day, highlighting innovation at the heart of France Télévisions. It was also an opportunity to give a voice to young people, who are at the heart of the Group's reflections on the future of broadcasting.