What is FTV Connect?
FTV Connect is a project initially led by Lidwine Hô, who quickly managed to surround himself with a team with varied profiles and skills. Laurence Landoyer, Karine Cheref, Guillaume Huftier, Nathalie Gallet, Florian Borius and others joined the project and actively contributed to its development.
This project, designed by and for the employees of France Télévisions, should enable each employee to offer a range of skills, in agreement with the manager, to other departments of the company, on their working time, whether they are recognized business skills or passionate skills adapted to the needs of the company expressed by project or department managers.
Hacktion: FTV Connect project follow-up
L'intrapreneuriat, c'est aussi une autre façon de vivre l'entreprise
This adventure began with a survey conducted within France Télévisions last June, validating the principle of this project. In order to be well integrated into the company's universe, the FTV Connect team has regularly exchanged with the human resources department, in particular with the team in charge of the mobility platform. This approach is the guarantee of good cooperation between a project carried by intrapreneurs and business teams.
Want to learn more?
To learn more about "Hacktion! "you can contact us:
Frédéric Lecoin, Innovation and Prospective Department, frederic.lecoin@francetv.fr
Hélène Amoussou, Strategy Department, HR Foresight, helene.amoussou@francetv.fr