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"Talk to France tv sport" - Test our PyeongChang 2018 Olympics voice assistant!

Published on April 17, 2018

For the Pyeongchang Olympics, France Télévisions is offering a new service boosted by artificial intelligence. This service, called LiA, provides 24-hour, real-time access to most of the competition data. You can share with our teams your comments and feedback on the use of this sports voice assistant. To do so, just answer the few questions below.

  • Illustration voice assistant Olympics

Participate in the test!

MediaLab trainees have tested the voice wizard

"OK Google: talk to France tv sport"

With the simple voice command "OK Google, talk to France TV Sport" from the Google Assistant on a recent smartphone (Android native and from the application available under iOS) or a smart connected speaker (compatible with the Google Assistant type "Google Home"), you get the schedule of events, results - even intermediate results -, medal rankings (by country, athlete, or discipline) and even the weather or local time in South Korea!

On cell phones, this service also allows you to watch videos edited by France tv sport.

This service is developed by the France Télévisions Digital Innovation Department teams, in collaboration with French startups Cybronics (voice assistant) and JNG Conseil (data processing).

How to configure and launch the Google Assistant?

The Google Assistant is Google's service for interacting by voice with various services, including France tv sport.

To access the Google Assistant from an Android phone or tablet (requires Android 6 or higher), simply press the home button (physical or virtual square button) on your phone for more than a second. At the first launch, Google will ask you to finalize the configuration.

To access the Google Assistant from an iPhone or iPad, you will need to download the Google Assistant application and finalize the configuration on the first launch.

If you have a Google Home Smart Connected Speaker - or Google Wizard compatible - already configured, it's even simpler: just say "Ok Google, talk to France tv sport".

Once the Google Assistant is launched, say "Talk to France tv sport" to start the conversation. Then just let our LiA assistant guide you. She will suggest that you discover the program, the results or the medal table and will offer you different choices to refine your request: which athletes are you interested in for results, which disciplines you want the program for, which country you want the ranking for, etc.

But LiA also includes complex requests, such as :

● "What are Martin Fourcade's results in pursuit? »

● "What are the results of the French in bobsleigh?"

● " Give me the medal chart "

● "What's France's ranking?"

● " How many medals does the United States have? "

● "What is tomorrow's skating program? »

● "What time is it in PyeongChang?"

● "What's the weather like in PyeongChang?"

The vocal assistant also knows how to give you the live results of your favorite athlete, team or discipline: intermediate times, rankings for current events, etc., so don't hesitate to ask him what you want!

How does it work?

Matthieu Lartot and Clémentine Sarlat demonstrate::

"This first for France Télévisions reinforces the creative and interactive dimension of our editorial offerings. France tv sport continues to innovate in order to make its content accessible to all audiences".Laurent-Eric Le Lay, Director of Sports at France Télévisions.
Laurent-Eric Le Lay, directeur des Sports de France Télévisions
"This innovation enables France Télévisions to improve the accessibility of its content while testing new uses linked to the growth of voice interfaces, where artificial intelligence is becoming an important tool for improving the quality of service and experience for viewers".Eric Scherer, Director of Innovation and Forecasting.
Eric Scherer, directeur de l’Innovation et de la Prospective

All the news of the Olympics on France tv sport 


Written by France tv lab
Published on April 17, 2018

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