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Seven Grams is exposing and continues its journey

Published on October 12, 2021

Karim Ben Khelifa's augmented reality journalistic investigation, co-produced by the, continues its journey from AR to real world with an exceptional exhibition at the Bayeux Festival and a selection for the prestigious Prix Europa. We tell you everything!

  • Image-Experience-SevenGrams

Don't wait any longer and discover what's behind the making of our smartphones by downloading Seven Grams

Download Seven Grams on the App Store

Download Seven Grams on Google Play

From AR to IRL, Seven Grams depicts the reality 

After being presented out of competition at the New Images Festival and having aroused enthusiasm at the Assises internationales du Journalisme in Tours at the end of September, Seven Grams is now being offered a new perspective at the Bayeux-Calvados Normandy Award for War Correspondents. Indeed, through an exhibition of objects collected during his investigation, Karim Ben Khelifa offers us to discover his work from another perspective. Through these various artifacts and in addition to the AR app, the journalist/filmmaker reduces the gap we can have with the manufacturing process of our smartphones and its human and environmental consequences.   
An exhibition that you can discover until October 31st!   

Espace d’art actuel Le Radar  

24 rue des Cuisiniers, Bayeux  

Open from Tuesday to Sunday from 2:30 pm to 6:30 pm, Saturday from 2 pm to 7 pm.

Free entrance.    

Seven Grams Exhibition - Espace d'art actuel Le Radar 

Seven Grams promotes French innovation on the European stage 

Another journey and another perspective, the nomination of Seven Grams for Prix Europa. Created by the European institutions and audiovisual professional, Prix Europa recognizes European creations. Seven Grams will have the chance to defend France in the "Digital Media Projects" category, for digital creations of all types such as cross-platform projects, AI/VR/AR or applications. To find out if Seven Grams will stand out from the 28 projects competing in the category, see you on Friday 15th October!  

Update 16/10/2021: Great victory for Seven Grams with special mention for the Best European Digital Media Project of Year at Prix Europa! Discover the whole list of winners on the festival website

Download the AR experience Seven Grams on stores : 

Download Seven Grams on the App Store

Download Seven Grams on Google Play

Written by Océane Lauro
Published on October 12, 2021

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