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Become Lady Sapiens through the VR Experience!

Published on October 15, 2021

Busy with children caring, gathering, preparing meals and sewing clothes, this is surely the image you have of women in Prehistory. This vision that we learnt at school is really far from reality, as activities weren’t gendered. So, are you ready to discover the true face of Lady Sapiens?

  • Lady Sapiens VR Experience

Thanks to Lady Sapiens the Experience, discover the real life of prehistoric women

Black with blue eyes, artists, muscular, hunters and many other things, here is the portrait of our ancestors. A new look that you could discover in the documentary broadcast on France5 "Lady Sapiens, in search of the women of Prehistory" (if you haven't watch it already, we strongly encourage you to do so!) and the modules on Lady Sapiens l'Expérience - awarded at the last Pixii Festival - offers you to embody this perspective through a virtual reality experience that will be present at the Virtual Reality Cabinet, located on the 3rd floor of the Grande Galerie de l'Évolution at the Musée de l'Homme, in Paris.   

Directed by Camille Duvelleroy and based on Ubisoft's Far Cry Primal universe, this immersive experience allows you to travel through time and slip into the shoes of Lady Sapiens, a woman born 38,000 years ago.
Between emotion and surprise, this adventure sweeps away clichés and offers a new look on these women who also hunted and painted magnificent frescoes.

Thought as a global experience, Lady Sapiens is also a 360° immersive video that you can play just below!

The Lady Sapiens universe 

360 Lady Sapiens experience is a whole universe to rethink the imaginary construction that we have from this period:

- Watch the documentary "Lady Sapiens, in search of the women of prehistory"

- Discover the Lumni modules

- Go to Lady Sapiens the Experience at the Grande Galerie de l'Évolution at the Musée de l'Homme, in Paris - until July 31st 2022

14/10/2021Great victory for Lady Sapiens, The VR Experience, with special mention for the Best Educative Experience at Stereopsia ! Discover the whole list of winners on the festival website.   

Written by Océane Lauro
Published on October 15, 2021

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