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Do you know what a skinroll is?

Open Innovation
Published on July 01, 2019

Advertising is necessary to balance the budget of a media company but, for France Télévisions, the user must not be taken hostage and therefore be forced to spend long minutes on advertising which can distract him from a viewing or make him desperate, sometimes to the point of disgust.

  • Illustration skinroll

This is why France Télévisions must innovate, looking for ways to satisfy the needs and desires of each party.

During the last Roland Garros, maybe you watched the live games. Did you notice a new advertising format? Not very invasive, the skinroll, since it's a L-shaped format that slightly reduces Francetv Sport's live video player while still allowing you to continue watching the program you're watching. The ad does not superimpose itself on the content nor does it stop it. However, it allows a non-intrusive interaction between Internet users and brands.

Broadcast for the first time during a live international sports event, this new advertising format proposed by the start-up Adways and France Télévisions, offers a real visibility to brands and the Internet user another advertising experience.

The start-up Adways

France Télévisions has been working with Adways for several years now. Several times awarded since its very beginnings, this small and very creative company is working to innovate, among other things, in the advertising market. 

Specializing in the non-immersive formula of in-content (which is used in particular on the most famous French cycling tour), the Adways team is highly appreciated for its professionalism and its reactivity.

Adways is one of the start-ups followed by France Télévisions.

Recognize an in-content in the bottom right corner then a skinroll in action!

Follow francetv sport, always at the forefront of innovation

To learn more about Adways:


Published on July 01, 2019

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